Wednesday, April 1, 2009

date Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 4:46 AM
sent by David Bunn

site workers,

as a vehicle for more discussion and perhaps a sharing of developing site project ideas I'd like to propose a discussion blog...

Annie Proulx begins Close Range with the following quote by a retired Wyoming rancher:

Reality's never been of much use out here
However, the issues and situations arising at Deep End Ranch are also intense confrontations with The Real.

using Proulx's quote and my added note about the real as a departure, write something from your point of view as it relates to this..., to the ranch, the farm, the west, the river, the landscape, or the history (any,all,part of the sessions/topics we've discussed, touched on, or something else inspired by or observed about "the territory" thus far) as serves your purpose. This can be abstract thinking or it can be specific to your developing idea for your site project. This can be brief or as long as you want. It does not have to be prose, it's about ideas...

Post it back to the group by email, cc'ing everyone, by "reply all" when you post. you may post it in sections or all at once.

also, please use this group email to post links to things you want to share or comments about readings or things you think of after leaving the seminar or driving down the 126, which you think about later. as we go forward we'll use the Deep End Blog as a continuing grad seminar discussion among us. (also, if anyone knows how to set up a real blog, we could do that if it's easier than email). You are encouraged to post as often and as much as you wish, but everyone must write at least once in response to what I've outlined above and you must write before next wednesday's seminar.

right on!


PS. current readings on reserve for next week are Michael Pollan, "Apples", and Annie Proulx newspaper interview "No longer at home on range". Film: Hertzog documentary, "Grizzly Man"

Soon I will also add a reading for the Immigration seminar next week.

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