Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Hidden History of the Ranch Exposed by a Psychic

On Sunday 3rd May, a psychic and automatic writer are coming to the ranch to ‘psychic profile’ the ranch.  I will show them around and they will prepare and set up and then I shall video both the writing and the psychic.  I intend to turn this in to a sound piece  using the audio of the psychic.  I would like to set up the sound piece in the front room (dining room) of the empty residency house, with speakers in the corners above eye-level.  I will film the text being written by the automatic writer and this could be a soundless accompanying piece displayed on a television in the front too.  I’m interested to see what the footage looks like, and what the automatic writing looks like. Maybe I could do something with the text – either just presenting in the room or photocopying as a take-away.


I’m interested in thinking through my collaboration with the psychic beyond the class.  I’d like to use the material in the future, but it is obviously very specific to the ranch and therefore suits a site-specific outcome.  But I want to think about using the material in different ways – I’m thinking, what happens to site-specific work when the site is not present physically in the work?  Can the material be reworked?


A second idea I’ve been thinking about, may not be practically possible to do before the 17th, (but if I can, I’ll give it ago).  Below our house, in the tack room, is a poster advertising the Richard Prince retrospective at the Guggenheim last year.  It features one of Prince’s appropriated ‘Malboro Men’.  I would like to take a photograph of Gerardo practicing for the up-coming rodeo season and get this printed as a poster at Kinko’s and pin this near the Prince poster.  It’s a small thought, but perhaps placing a poster of Gerardo, the authentic article (who, by the way, smokes Marlboro Lights) next to the Prince piece will both illuminate some of the ideas Prince is interested in around constructed identities in advertising, and perhaps make Gerardo smile.

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